Welcome to our blog. Luke and Jamie Knickerbocker share their servant's heart.

From the Serving Heart

Mission, Adventure, and Passion

Chapter 6 from “Fully Equipped: Having What It Takes to Give Your All”

The USA Rail Pass for 30 days may be purchased for only $499.
The USA Rail Pass for 30 days may be purchased for only $499. Click here to learn more!

Ever since I had graduated from college, I desired to have a “wilderness experience”. I knew that before the Lord used many of his servants in public ministry, they had a time apart with Him. Since I didn’t have specific direction for a place of ministry, I knew this was an important time to draw near the Lord and get his mind for what I should do next. Then comes 30 days of Amtrak.

And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat. – Mark 6:31                                                                                 

This man went by "Happy" and loved the Lord Jesus. He would travel the VIA Rail in Canada witnessing to people along the way!

For Moses, it was 40 years with the sheep; David hid from Saul in caves; Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness; and the Apostle Paul was taken for over three years to the Arabian Desert. What is interesting to note is that with Moses, David, and Paul, they each were murderers, but all found God’s forgiveness. God brought them unto himself and used them as the greatest leaders of his people throughout history. Most notable however, is that they were each used by God to pen the words of the majority of Scripture. 

Luke Knickerbocker as a 23 year-old embarking on my month long journey. First stop was Boston Bay, Mass.
Luke Knickerbocker as a 23 year-old embarking on my month long journey. First stop was Boston Bay, Mass.

As I considered where I could go to be alone with God, I learned about the Bass River State Forest in New Jersey. I stayed there for about eight of the loneliest days in my life. The days were spent mostly reading my Bible, praying while taking walks, and writing in my journal. I cooked over an open fire and bundled up in my lean-to.

Riding the Rails

A couple days after my campout in New Jersey, I boarded the Amtrak train in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was Easter Sunday, April 11, 2004 and I would spend the next month traveling across Canada and the United States on a North American rail pass. This pass cost only $500 (about all the money I owned) and gave me access to the Amtrak trains and the VIA Rail in Canada, along with bus rides and ferry boats.

There is nothing like seeing the landscapes across the USA from a passenger rail car!
There is nothing like seeing the landscapes across the USA from a passenger rail car!

I would not only see the cities and countryside, but would witness firsthand the provision and protection of God. I met people from all backgrounds around the world including world travelers and national personalities such as former Presidential candidate Al Sharpton in the Philadelphia train station and Hall-of-Fame baseball player Ron Santo when I visited Wrigley field in Chicago for a baseball game.

Crossing paths with Al Sharpton in Philadelphia.
A poor attempt at a selfie with Al Sharpton in Philadelphia
Also ran into Ron Santos after a game in Chicago
I also ran into Ron Santos after a game in Chicago

My adventures included sleeping on a bench at Fisherman’s wharf in San Francisco, losing my wallet on a Los Angeles bound train, and viewing the spectacular sights of the Canadian Rockies, the Grand Canyon, and Yosemite National Park. 

Enjoying a short hike at Yosemite State Park
Enjoying a short hike at Yosemite State Park

Faith in Action

As I learned on this trip alone on the rails, Christ is very personal and present. One instance of seeing God provide was while I was in Bangor, Maine. I was walking up a street with my backpack and it started to rain. I didn’t have an umbrella and was hurrying back to the bus station. There were still a couple miles to go, and I asked God to keep me dry. Just then a piece of cardboard was blowing across the road. I picked it up and used it to cover myself. My clothes in my bag stayed dry!

God answered my prayer and provided an "umbrella" at the perfect time in Bangor, Maine!
God answered my prayer and provided an “umbrella” at the perfect time in Bangor, Maine!

Since I left with only a small amount of cash, and no credit cards, I had to be quite frugal. But God has ways of providing. One account was while I was on a ferry boat going to Vancouver Island. I started a conversation with a Brazilian couple, speaking in Spanish the best we could. They were so delighted to be able to talk with someone and before we parted ways, they gave me a Canadian $50 bill!

I love every part of the train experience: both mountain scenes and tunnels alike!
I love every part of the train experience: both mountain scenes and tunnels alike!

I left my wallet on the train!

Another unexpected source of income came after I had left my wallet on a Los Angeles bound train. I had been explaining the Gospel to a lady and used my wallet in an illustration. I had gotten off the train while it was still dark around 5am. It was a small little depot, and when the sun arose, and I realized my wallet was missing! I realized that it was still on the seat, and now the train was long gone. There was some change in my bag that I used to call the Amtrak office. I did get my wallet back a week later, but without the cash, of course. I should mention that I did not have any credit cards – both a good and a bad thing! Now I had to live off of almost no money!

This is the depot in California where I first realized that my wallet was missing!
This is the depot in California where I first realized that my wallet was missing!

Since I had a very low budget when I started the trip, I knew there were some ways I could exist on a low budget. Knowing that I could get hot water on the train, I brought Ramen noodles and instant oatmeal packets. I also had packed some peanuts and beef jerky to supplement my protein intake. I figured my little cash would be enough to hold me over! But now I only had less than two dollars in change left!

A miracle from a waitress

I had an overnight stop in Bakersfield, California. As was  my custom, I stopped in a Denny’s Diner for the late hours of the night so I would at least be off the street. I ordered some hot water (for the oatmeal packet) and cold water to drink. Then one of the waitresses came and offered me coffee, without charge! Having only a little over two dollars in change, I left it all for a tip, asking the Lord to multiply it! I left the restaurant about five in the morning to head back to the train station. As I went outside, the waitress got my attention and handed me a five dollar bill! She said that I needed it more than her and asked that I pray for her, as she was going through a difficult time. That five dollars made me feel like a rich man!

A view of the Canadian Rockies from the Observation Railcar
A view of the Canadian Rockies from the Observation Railcar

Fine dining with Family

Five dollars never was more valuable to me than at that time. Shortly after this incident, I met up with some relatives from my mom’s side in San Diego, who gave me $40! Then my Great Uncle Henry near San Francisco gave me and my cousin Jenny $100 to go eat with at a fancy restaurant. Talk about going from a pauper to a prince!

I can't get over the beauty of God's creation in the Rocky Mountains out West!
I can’t get over the beauty of God’s creation in the Rocky Mountains out West!

My travels did have some unsettling moments though. When I had arrived in San Francisco by bus, it was ten o’clock at night and the station was closed for remodeling. So there I wandered on the street and ended up sleeping on a park bench at Fisherman’s Wharf! The next day I walked down Market Street to the library past all the homeless people. Though I was warned against it, I put my trust in God as my Protector!

Hiking the Grand Canyon

Another exciting adventure was going to the Grand Canyon. While on a shuttle van entering the Park, I met another young man who was also a Christian! Emil and I hit it off and he offered for me to stay at his rented room and hike the canyon with him the next day. Now I must inform you that it had been thirteen days since I had slept in a bed or taken a shower. I had done my sleeping while on the train and kept myself clean by using a trick shared by a friend who had been in the military. Yep, I used baby wipes to keep from getting stinky, and would wash my hair in bathroom faucets – either on the train or in restaurants. After a good night’s rest, we had a memorable hike down and up the Grand Canyon…in about seven hours!

My new friend Emil and I enjoyed hiking the Grand Canyon together! Down and back up took us 7 hours!
My new friend Emil and I enjoyed hiking the Grand Canyon together!

Surprises in Denver

One last story here was my adventure in Denver, Colorado. It just happened to work out that I arrived in the Mile High city in the early evening, and the train depot was across the street from the Rockies baseball stadium. So I ventured over to the line of people outside the gates. A young couple behind me asked if I wanted a ticket, because a couple of their friends didn’t show up. So I ended up with two free tickets and enjoyed a relaxing ballgame!

Spending the late night hours with a Christian brother from England whom I met in the train depot in Denver, Colorado
Spending the late night hours with a Christian brother from England whom I met in the train depot in Denver, Colorado

After the game, I went back to spend the night at the train depot. There I met a Christian man from England and we began to get acquainted. We were soon informed that the station was closing for the night and we must leave until the next morning. The workers told us that we could take a free transit bus across town to an all-night diner. My new friend and I had such a good time of fellowship before walking back to the station early the next morning to catch the next train.

Met some fellow adventurous travelers from Mexico and Brazil on the Westbound train in Canada
Met some fellow adventurous travelers from Mexico and Brazil on the Westbound train in Canada

God provided again when I met up with my mom’s sister in Pittsburgh and they gave me $20. I was able to finish my journey in Knoxville, Tennessee without starving! A friend picked me up from the train station and I enjoyed attending my cousin Rebekah’s graduation at my alma mater Crown College!

Adventures in Alaska

After my trip riding the rails around North America, I spent some time working back home in Florida. In the fall of 2004, I flew up to visit my oldest sister and her family who were living in Seward, Alaska. While on a layover in Minneapolis, an announcement was made that the flight was overbooked. I jumped up to volunteer to take a later flight and was promised to receive a voucher for a free plane ticket! As I was at the desk confirming the details, someone came up and offered me a hundred dollar bill because they didn’t want to be separated from their friend. Since I had almost no money, I gladly took the hundred dollars and sat back down in my seat! When I arrived in Alaska, I found out motels ran for at least $90. God had already met that need!

Something about trains in the open frontier that seem to link the past with the present
Something about trains in the open frontier that seem to link the past with the present

More unexpected blessings

But the story gets better! The next morning, I went to the train station in Anchorage and sat in the lobby, reading my Bible as I waited for the train departure. While minding my own business, a couple middle aged ladies with their mother walked by and commented on the “Good Book” I was reading. We got talking and I shared how God had provided the hundred dollars the day before. One of the ladies, happened to work for Continental Airlines. She said she wanted to bless me and gave me one of her free round-trip vouchers which I used a few months later! 

On top of Marathon Mountain overlooking Resurrection Bay in Seward, Alaska
On top of Marathon Mountain overlooking Resurrection Bay in Seward, Alaska

During my stay in Seward, we took a hike up Marathon Mountain where there is an annual race up down the face of this steep mountain. The view of the glaciers and Resurrection Bay was breathtaking! We purified icy water from the melting glaciers streaming downward.

Hiking in Seward, Alaska (2004)
Hiking in Seward, Alaska (2004)

At the conclusion of this particular trip, I took the train back up to Anchorage and arrived around nine o’clock at night. My plane would fly out only a couple hours later. I was on foot and had to find a bus to take me to the airport: I only had a couple hours. Someone told me where to find a bus stop, and I had to run through the streets with my suitcase to make the last bus of the night. I made it just in time and boarded out of breath. Then I had to pay…but I had hardly any money left! The fare was only two dollars…the last of what I had! Wow – God had come through again!

Prove your faith in God

A life of service that God will honor must be a life of faith. Having a healthy appetite for adventure is a bonus! Faith will require risks and oftentimes great sacrifice! But there is nothing to compare with the way God supernaturally provides and protects as we serve Him! God indeed is worthy to be trusted!

Faith must be tested and proven. Before I could be in a position to travel and live in Asia, God needed to prepare me through many trips as I have recorded above. In the video below, I explain why I have my evangelistic website www.PilgrimofTruth.com. It is primarily for all the people God brings across my path whom I long to see come to an understanding of how great my God is. It is my desire that they too come into a personal relationship with Him!

Introduction to my ministry website

About the author:

Luke graduated from Crown College of the Bible in 2003. He married Jamie in July of 2006. God has blessed them with five children. Together they had the privilege of serving in the pastorate of a Baptist Church in Florida from 2007-2011.

In August of 2011, our family began our journey to serve the Lord as labourers among Unreached People Groups in Asia. We prepared ourselves at Baptist Bible Translator’s Institute in Bowie, Texas. During that time, God directed our path to work among the Tibetan people in the country of Nepal.

Luke and Jamie Knickerbocker with their five children
Luke and Jamie Knickerbocker with their five children

In February of 2014, we moved to Kathmandu, Nepal and experienced God’s work of grace and protection upon our family. We had the privilege to serve at the Crown Nepal Bible College. Teaching classes and preaching at youth conferences was a great opportunity for our family. We also were able to assist in outreaches to villages of the Tamang and Gurung people.

In 2021, we moved to Tampa, Florida. We currently are serving in our home church Southside Baptist Church and teach in the Christian Academy. Luke continues his writing ministry (www.pilgrimoftruth.com) and video messages on his YouTube channel (Pilgrim of Truth). His goal is to aid believers in making Christ known to the world. He continues to seek to assist churches in America. His heart’s desire is to help meet the needs of the unreached people groups in the world.

One thought on “30 Days on Amtrak: Life as a Legal Hobo

  1. Luke-
    I loved reading about all of your travels. God leads where He wants us to go and makes a way in His time. Thank You for sharing this.
    God Bless You and Your Family!

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