Welcome to our blog. Luke and Jamie Knickerbocker share their servant's heart.

From the Serving Heart

Mission, Adventure, and Passion

So who are Luke and Jamie Knickerbocker and Crew? We are an ordinary family that has stepped out by faith to serve our Savior in anyway we He leads us. For seven years, We had the privilege of serving on a foreign mission field. We were missionaries in Nepal from 2014 to 2021. Emily (our fourth child) was born in Nepal just before the huge earthquake in 2015 that killed almost 10,000 people. That was an exciting time! We have experienced a lot of things over the years, and are looking forward to sharing it with you.

Luke and Jamie were married in 2006. Paul was born in ’07, Jason in ’08, Abby in ’10, Emily in ’15, and Zach in ’18. All of our kids are awesome! They are all sweet, kind, ornery, crazy, and wonderful.

Knickerbocker Family 2022 Who are Luke and Jamie Knickerbocker
The Crazy Knicks

From Pastor to Missionary

Luke pastored in Florida for four years and then felt God’s call on his life to become a missionary. Jamie wasn’t too excited about that, and she’ll share that story eventually. We moved out to Texas in 2011 to join a missionary training school. We were there for nine months and then started full-time deputation. In 2014, we moved to Nepal and experienced the adventure of a lifetime!

While we were in Nepal we made a lots of new friends, had an ICU adventure in a hospital, dodged cows on the road, ate the best food you could even imagine, met incredible people, survived a nine-month blockade, and used a rice cooker to make spaghetti! During our time there, we taught in a Bible College and Luke began to create gospel centered information, write books, and start a website. www.pilgrimoftruth.com We have a passion to share with others what God has taught us along the way. We loved being in Nepal and look forward to sharing those stories with you.

2018 Knickerbockers in Nepal Who are Luke and Jamie Knickerbocker

The Journey Keeps Unfolding

At the end of 2020, we started going through a difficult trial with one of our children. Through that, we felt God lead us back to America where we have been serving in our local church, and have even started a Christian School. We are excited to share about our life, things we have learned, and, of course, all of the crazy adventures that we have been part of. Thanks for stopping in to learn about the journey God has given us. Hopefully, we have answered the question, “Who are Luke and Jamie Knickerbocker?”–but there is more where that came from. Read more here.

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